]Welcome to Town Hall 14, Download or Copy Trophy & Farming Base links to Protect Resources, Gold, Elixir, Dark Elixir, Get War Maps Layouts for TH14 to Defeat Better in Home Village of Clash of Clans.

Upgrading to Town Hall 14, has a time of 14 days, and will cost 16,000,000 gold (sixteen millions).

What's new in town hall 14? Giga Inferno, Pet House, and the builder now defends himself.

NEW OFENSIVE: Per house, one air bomb, one air seeking mine, one skeleton trap, one bomb, one giant bomb and and 25 additional wall units, with a total of 325 walls available.

In Pet House you can unlock 4 pets all at level 10: L.A.S.S.I, Electric Owl, Yak, Unicorn.

All Super Troops available: Super Barbarian, Super Archer, Super Giant, Sneaky Goblon, Rocket Ballon, Super Wizard, Super Dragon, Inferno Dragon, Super Minion, Super Valkyrie, Super Witch, Ice hound and Superbowler.

The Workshop you can unlock new siege machine: Flame Flinger.

Barbarian King and Archer Queen you will upgrade to level 80, Gran Warden to 55 level and Royal Champion to 30 level.

We don't have new spells.

We don't have a new troop to unlock from this town hall.

Town Hall 14 is the last available level.

Select the best base layout of Town Hall 14 for farming to protect resources or loot, have a better defense in war or for pushing trophies, you can find in the TH14 category or the different tags in our collection.